Lifestyle Goals for 30 Somethings
For many individuals who spent their 20’s living exuberant lifestyles, the transition to ones 30’s often goes awry. However, your 30’s should be the time to make that big financial push!
Understanding mundane things like superannuation, mortgages, insurances become so much more important as it all now rests in your hands. One of the most important pieces of advice that could be said to someone in their 30’s is to educate yourself in your finances, get your house in order so to speak and start earmarking funds for a specific purpose!
Having the good fortune to be able to live in Australia with one of the highest standards of living globally a myriad of options are open to those who seek them. This could be the pursuit of home ownership, saving for a deposit, overseas travel or starting a family. With so many avenues, people tend to find having more than one goal is important in which case there may need to be some trade-offs. For example, if an individual wants to holiday in New Zealand in six months, they may need to be willing to cut back from eating out four times a week to eating out only once a week and allocate the surplus funds to the ‘New Zealand’ fund.
The IF Group can be of assistance to you in putting together a plan; a financial plan tells you not only what you can do but also what you can’t do. Prioritise now and take action.