“I will never move to a Lifestyle facility and leave my home!”

Margaret said those same words not long after she made the following comments.
“Do you see that section of the garden? I was working there yesterday, and I lasted about 10 minutes and I cannot see any evidence of my efforts. I just do not have the interest or energy anymore.”
Previous to this about 15 minutes earlier Margaret said “ I would love to create a nice space there in my garden and renovate my second garage with all that old furniture in it from my mother’s house (who is now no longer with us). I enjoy the area where I live and the walks except for that hill coming back from my walk.
The carport she is using instead of the garage has a nice garden table setting but has a less than pretty outlook. The stored boxes and broken-down appliances in the garage are taking up way too much space depriving her of enjoying her back yard to the fullest …she had run out of energy to make change!
Margaret was in a rush to get ready for her friends to pick her up for lunch …..she didn`t like driving and her car was rather hard for her to drive.
This is a common refrain that we hear from our clients.
The new and exciting LifeStyle apartments or villa’s and facilities NOW available might not be so bad after all. Having lunch in a lovely restaurant or garden, friends close by, doing water aerobics in the in-house pool, happy hours, movies, yoga, cards, roast nights, special speakers and functions all close at hand helps to create a new Lifestyle. All you need to do is keep an open mind and have a visit to several Lifestyle facilities and you might be pleasantly surprised…!
Please speak to us for more information or assistance in this regard.